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First Day Responses

  1.  I'm normally playing any games I hear of through Steam or searching up information as needed. Currently, I'm attempting to find game design software. Unity is the starting point, but I plan on using GameMaker Studio in the future.
  2. Although this is required for my Game Design degree, I'm also hoping to become knowledgeable about how to use computer-based art software for when use stuff like Photoshop personally (mainly for digital art).
  3. The use of technology for visual design studies is to understand how technology is used to improve how to convey visual messages through different mediums.
  4. I've only used it during my time in Y.A.L.E. School.
  5. Two laptops, but none have Photoshop or Illustrator.
  6. PC.
  7. Game Design major.
  8. Become a freelance game designer and make Indie games on the side.
  9. I do not have a favorite artist.
  10. I do not have a favorite musician.
  11. I'm the biggest enigma among my friends.
  12. My Story (because I cant figure out how to do separate lines without messing up the number order):
  • A man fell asleep.
  • He woke up in the middle of the night due to a night-terror.
  • He tried to move, but was unable to.
  • He tried to call for help, but sound wouldn't come out of his mouth; only wind.
  • There was a violent shake, and he jolted awake the next morning.
  1. (this is actually 13):


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